Montserrat de Coronado: an enchanted place in Costa Rica

Source: Armonía Natural / Facebook.

Due to its biodiversity, Costa Rica is one of the most visited countries for ecotourism and agrotourism. It is said that, thanks to its climatic conditions, the country is home to 5% of the world's flora and fauna.

In the province of San José, in the Vásquez de Coronado canton, you will find Monserrat, a wonderful cloud forest, home to a great variety of animal and plant species. An ideal territory for hiking, bird watching, rivers and waterfalls, as well as to enjoy traditional Costa Rican food.

Rural enterprises

There are several local ventures that support sustainable tourism. One example is "Locos por el Bosque," a project that includes community members to serve as guides for visitors along the area's nature trails.

Another example is Armonía Natural, a company that promotes the integration of environmental, social and economic development. Its heart is the Posada Monserrat, an infrastructure that provides a complete experience to those who visit it. In addition, 90% of the activities and services are carried out by local people. For every visitor to the site, income is generated for ten families in the area.

Agro-tourism activities

Armonía Natural offers a variety of activities for visitors. Among them, we mention the cow milking tour, trout fishing, mountain hikes and a menu of local or vegetarian meals. As if that were not enough, the host company offers art and music workshops, talks on biological and environmental issues, a visit to its organic farm, where good organic farming practices are presented, among other proposals.

Montserrat de Coronado: an enchanted place in Costa Rica
Source: Armonía Natural / Facebook.

It is worth mentioning that one of the main activities for tourists is bird watching, several of which are endemic species. Among those sighted, it is advisable to mention the following: Colibri Picolanza Mayor, Trogón Collarejo, Mosquero Amarillento and Candelita Plomiza.

Brigitt Briceño
Brigitt Briceño
Journalist. Degree in Social Communication. Community Manager with certification in Effective Digital Media Management.

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