Agroinfluencers: from the field to social networks

Agroinfluencers |Ā 

Since 2019 and 2020, the agricultural activity has been creating its space in the world of social networks. In various corners of Latin America and the world, lovers and professionals of the field have taken on the task of showing, through simple videos on Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok and Facebook, the benefits and importance of agriculture.

With content that teaches how to grow plants at home, tips for making home remedies, beauty products, or simply showing how a chick hatches, the agroinfluencers have captured the attention of millions of people.

Successful experience

Colombia Carlos Alberto Diaz
Carlos Alberto DĆ­az, who at only 16 years old is already a well-known Latin American influencer. Source: Instagram/@lagranjadelborrego.

Surely, as you begin to read this article, many of you have come to mind a young Colombian man with curly hair, who with a lot of sparkle from his farm, located in the region of Cundinamarcashows his life in the countryside. It is about Carlos Alberto Diazbetter known as @lagranjadelborrego. At only 16 years old, he has more than 21 million followers on Tik Tok, more than 3 million on Instagram, and more than 4 million subscribers on Youtube.

Carlos Alberto, also known as "El borreguito", in his videos he shows things like the creation of a natural insecticide based on avocado seeds. He also shares how they unload the food for the animals on his farm, why eggs should not be washed and a variety of topics that have managed to interest many and turn them into his loyal followers.

Projecting the love for the countryside

Other experiences worth highlighting in Colombia are "Nubia and sons", who share interesting data to elaborate natural remedies, and "Fabio teaches", who offers a real perspective of the countryside, while explaining many agricultural processes.

In Argentina we have Bryan Petaccio, who through dance and humor, with almost 800 thousand followers on Tik Tok, has managed to interest more than one in agrarian processes.

The agroinfluenceurs share their love of the countryside, work and nature.


Brigitt BriceƱo
Brigitt BriceƱo
Journalist. Degree in Social Communication. Community Manager with certification in Effective Digital Media Management.

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