Angus Uruguay joins GRSB

Angus Uruguay
In the picture, Ruaraidh Petre, executive coordinator of the Global Roundtable Sustainable Beef, Luis Carrau, president of Angus Uruguay, and Sebastián Olaso, director of Angus Uruguay.

The Aberdeen Angus Breeders Society of Uruguay has confirmed its acceptance as a member of the Aberdeen Angus Breeders Society of Uruguay. Global Roundtable Sustainable Beef (GRSB).

According to information provided by Angus Uruguayit is about "a global organization composed of all actors in the meat chain: corporations, associations, non-profit organizations, research centers, industrialists and individuals from five continents, who are committed to making a difference in sustainability.".

Creation of the national round table as a goal

Angus Uruguay is the first union institution in South America to join this international organization. Sebastian Olasothe union's board of directors Uruguayan and director of the Sol Dorado cattle ranch, has been appointed as a member of the board of directors of the GRSB.

A few days ago, the executive coordinator of GRSB visited the headquarters of Angus Uruguay, Ruaraidh Petrefor the purpose of "to exchange concepts on the advances in the meat chain in our country and to start working on the formation of the National Round Table".According to the information received by the editorial staff of our portal.

The source consulted states that "the national roundtables are working on projects and initiatives on sustainability, efficiency and profitability of the meat industry"..

For the leaders of the national institution, which brings together breeders of the Angus cattle breed, the initiative represents "a very important opportunity not only for the breed, but for the national livestock"..

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