"Un Solo Uruguay" criticizes Uruguay's political system

On January 23, 2024, the social movement "Un Solo Uruguay" (USU) commemorated in Mal Abrigo, San José, the first event of 2018 and paid tribute to the late engineer Andrés Camy, one of its founders, who lived in the aforementioned town.

Major changes in government management

Since its founding in 2018, "Un Solo Uruguay". has become a relevant actor in the country's political scenario. Its main objective is to represent and channel the concerns of different productive and social sectors that feel that their voices are not adequately heard by the authorities.

The organization expressed itself forcefully through its spokesperson, who expressed its discontent with the government of Luis Lacalle Pou, highlighting that “Luis Lacalle Pou : #000000;">the country needs a real and profound change in political management.". He also pointed out that the current system does not respond to the needs and aspirations of Uruguayans, and that it is crucial that actions be taken for the benefit of all citizens.


"Un Solo Uruguay". has made its voice heard and questioned the president, his government team and the political system in general. They are demanding significant changes in government management, greater transparency and concrete measures to boost the country's economic reactivation. The demands of this citizens' organization reflect the need for an open debate and concrete actions to address current challenges and meet the aspirations of Uruguayan society.

Demands for transparency and measures to boost economic recovery

Among the main demands of "Un Solo Uruguay". include transparency in public management, the fight against corruption and the adoption of policies that promote sustainable economic growth. The citizens' movement has made it clear that they expect concrete answers from the authorities and that they will not tolerate any more empty promises.

Regarding economic reactivation, "Un Solo Uruguay". demands the implementation of effective measures to support the productive sectors and create an environment conducive to investment and development. They consider it essential to have clear policies that promote the generation of employment and foster competitiveness at the national and international levels.

Although President Lacalle Pou has expressed his willingness to listen to the demands of Uruguayans, the citizens' organization expects these words to be translated into concrete actions. They believe that the time has come to put aside political divisions and work together for the country.

The tone of the day was marked by dissatisfaction and criticism towards the Uruguayan political system. We continue in the same line as previous governments, spending more, with a significant fiscal deficit , an ironed dollar that hits hard to these agro-exports, tourism and commerce”, expressed Norberto Pereyra, spokesperson for USU.

The farmers, rural union leaders, entrepreneurs and workers, who are "self-convened" in this movement, maintain that the economic situation of the country has not improved substantially since the first demonstrations.

In the proclamation of the event, they pointed out that President Luis Lacalle Pou, whom they describe as the most important employee that we Uruguayans have”, has not been up to the task of solving the structural problems that have affected the country for decades. Furthermore, they extended their discontent to the government team and the political system as a whole, stating that the ruling class has not responded effectively to the needs of the population.

USU criticized the responsibility for the signing and reaffirmation of secret agreements by all government administrations, from 1985 to the present, with foreign corporations that, according to the movement, harm sovereignty and national interests. In addition, government intervention was requested to prevent the dominance of the national agri-food industry market by the multinational Minerva Global Foods with the purchase from Mafrig of three Uruguayan meat packing plants.

The movement recalled that "many frontline players in the current ruling coalition, in 2018 agreed with our analysis and applauded our claims.". However, they suggested that the exercise of power and the struggle to attain it have distanced those in power from the real concerns and needs of the citizenry.

Against this backdrop, "Un Solo Uruguay". urged Uruguayans not to limit themselves to voting every five years, but to assume an active role of citizen control. They urge their compatriots to demand results from those in power and not to allow the struggle for power to disconnect political leaders from the real demands of society.

Below, our readers can access to the full text of the proclamation from "Un Solo Uruguay".which is displayed in 3D and only in Spanish. The document was read by the teacher  Serrana Correawho practiced his profession outside of the country's capital, and by the business consultant Alejandro Gorostidi (photo).

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