Non-reimbursable financial support for dairy farmers

Montevideo, Uruguay. With the commitment to support the country's dairy producers, Law No. 20,273 has been approved, which authorizes the F.F.D.S.A.L. (Dairy Fund) to provide non-refundable assistance to producers who have shipped up to 1,095,000 liters of milk to dairy plants by 2023.

Dairy Fund
Photo credit: Vwalakte / Freepik.

Eligibility requirements for financial assistance from the Dairy Fund

The aid is intended for producers who are active as of May 24, 2024 and whose main income comes from the milk remission.

The process to access this benefit includes gathering information from both dairies and potentially eligible producers. To qualify for assistance, producers must send an affidavit form to Fondo Lechero, located at 19 de Abril 3482, Montevideo. This form, available on the Dairy Fund website, must be completely filled out, duly signed and accompanied by a professional stamp from $240.

For more information or inquiries, producers can contact the Dairy Fund through the WhatsApp number 092795435 or by sending an email to:

The initiative is part of a set of public policies aimed at promoting the stability and development of the dairy sector, a fundamental pillar of the country's agricultural economy.

F.F.D.S.A.L. Form

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