INAVI approves support plan for producers affected by drought

The Board of Directors of the Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura (INAVI) unanimously approved a support plan for wine growers. wine producers that have been affected by the drought.

The measure is a response to the dialogue promoted by the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, agronomist engineer Fernando MattosThe company has sought to provide concrete solutions to address the water crisis that the agricultural sector is going through.

Financial assistance mechanisms

The resolution adopted by INAVI's board of directors applies two mechanisms for the delivery of economic assistance to alleviate the damages caused by the lack of rainfall:

1) We start from the initial criterion of modification of decree 517/2009, providing for a single time this year, the amount collected for the hail fund of $

2) Two forms of payment are established:

a) Per hectare and RUT number of companies on a progressive and decreasing basis. It should be clarified that all registered winegrowing companies are paid under this modality. The amount is $31,000,000.

b) Payment for damage in kilos of grapes, with a deductible of 30% (criterion always used for hail or frost), also using the RUT number. The amount is $29,000,000.

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