How to know if it is natural or adulterated honey?

Honey is a sweet liquid produced by bees using the nectar of flowering plants. It is a natural sweetener, with a great taste, healthier than sugar. But there is a problem: it is often adulterated and we end up acquiring a product that, under no circumstances, has the natural and beneficial properties that we expect.

Benefits of honey

It is worth noting that honey, in addition to being used as a natural sweetener, is consumed for its anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antioxidant qualities. It contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins, iron and zinc. Experts point out that they reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It also helps reduce triglycerides.

Honey also has topical uses to heal wounds, especially those caused by burns. It is also used for aesthetic purposes to exfoliate and moisturize.

Adulterated honey

Given the multiple benefits and uses of honey, it is important to be careful when acquiring it, since it may be adulterated with corn syrup or other artificial sweeteners, which are far from being favorable. On the contrary, they can be harmful to health.

The good news is that there are some tricks to recognize when honey is 100% natural or when it is adulterated:

    • Check the label. If it says high fructose syrup or commercial glucose it means it is not pure honey.
    • Place a small amount in the refrigerator. If it crystallizes after a few days, it is natural honey.
    • Mix in a glass with water a spoonful of honey, if when adding a few drops of vinegar a kind of foam is formed, it means that it is highly processed honey with gypsum.
    • Dip a piece of stale bread in a container of honey. If it remains hard after about 10 minutes, it is 100% natural.

To be able to enjoy the properties of the sweet food produced by the beesIf we do not buy the most natural product possible, we must make sure to buy the most natural one possible.

Brigitt Briceño
Brigitt Briceño
Journalist. Degree in Social Communication. Community Manager with certification in Effective Digital Media Management.

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