Author: Ricardo Chamorro

Argentine journalist with accredited experience in the newspaper La Nación of Buenos Aires, in radios AM and FM Rivadavia, Continental, Ciudad, among others. He has written for ArgenTime magazine; he has participated as a journalist in Argentine television (Badía y Cía., news programs). He has also been a consultant in institutional press offices.

Through robotization, dairy farms can exponentially scale up their production, and also improve the sacrificed quality of life of dairy farmers... and cows. Generational change. Keysi Montechiari, a young biologist and entrepreneur who is currently the general manager of Montechiari Agroindustria Argentina's dairy farm, said that she used to feel no attraction to her family's dairy business. However, when she was finishing her university studies and planning her PhD, the appearance of eight robots in the family dairy motivated her to change her plans. In 2019, Keisy did a three-month internship on a farm owned by Lely, in...

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The drought that has hit the United States in recent years has caused a massive liquidation of cattle herds. A drop whose effect on beef production levels is estimated at 5% compared to the previous year. This statement is based on estimates from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United Kingdom's Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. U.S. beef exports on the decline? In this context, U.S. beef exports could decline by as much as ten to eleven percent this year. In addition, this situation...

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Climate instabilities are causing declines and variations in the harvests and prices of the main grains and oilseeds in the region and the world. The consequences have been intense droughts, as an effect of La Niña, for three consecutive years. La Niña now has a twist with El Niño which, according to FAO, this year and next will cause extreme rains and even flooding in the United States, Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) forecasts that in 2022-2023 "world trade will increase modestly, with higher exports...

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In the world of excesses of the 21st century, technified agriculture with sustainable irrigation can contribute its value to improve resilience and adaptation to meteorological instabilities typical of the periods in which the planet seeks to balance the disorders caused by man, or the mutations that nature itself reprograms with its wise capacity. To add to the uncertainty, El Niño has just started a new tantrum, affecting the United States, as announced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). With its capriciousness, repeated every 2 to 7 years in the equatorial Pacific, it will spread heavy rains and...

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The famous Aberdeen Angus breed, nowadays "Angus", is the star of quality in the American cattle stock, both in the United States, Chile, Brazil, and particularly in Argentina. But, lately it shows a powerful vigor in Uruguay. Between its two varieties, red and black, the latter coat is the favorite of breeders. The meat of the Angus is very juicy, substantial, soft, aromatic and of very refined taste to the most demanding palate. A piece of history Angus has been successfully established in Argentina since its importation from Scotland in 1879. In...

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