

Inauguration of the Citrus Harvest 2024

President Luis Lacalle Pou, accompanied by Minister Fernando Mattos, Undersecretary Ignacio Buffa and...

Little known things you can do with lemon

Lemon is a citrus fruit known for being rich in vitamin C, a vitamin complex of the type...

Agreement between MGAP and UTU will strengthen the monitoring of HLB

In a joint effort to combat a threat to Uruguayan citriculture, the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and...

Recent publications

Rural women promote a poultry transformation project

Agroecological initiative A few days ago, a group of rural women from the Cooperativa CANASTA (acronym for Centro Alternativo de Abastecimiento Soberano Terapéutico Agroecológico) de Responsabilidad Limitada...

A commitment to the modernization of Uruguayan Horticulture

The rural area of Canelón Chico became the scene of an important breakthrough for the Uruguayan horticultural sector. With the presence of the...

AGROTIC Project: technology and rural development in Canelones

In the fertile area of western Canelones, identified with fruit and vegetable production, a group of producers is leading the AGROTIC project, a pioneering initiative...