HomeOf general interest

Of general interest

The advance of agricultural "biosolutions"

In recent years, agriculture on the American continent has undergone a significant transformation thanks to the advancement...

"Un Solo Uruguay" criticizes Uruguay's political system

On January 23, 2024, the social movement "Un Solo Uruguay" (USU) commemorated in Mal Abrigo,...

Obtaining rights to use water for production purposes

Water is an indispensable element for agriculture to exist. It is precisely the agricultural activity that...

A week to raise awareness about food waste

From September 25 to 29, 2023, Uruguay joins the global fight against climate...

Antel has invested US$270 million in the interior of Uruguay

In the 2020-2023 period, Antel, Uruguay's state-owned telecommunications company, has made a direct investment...

Benefits of consuming apples

The apple is a fruit with white and juicy pulp, pleasant flavor, rounded shape and smooth skin....


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Recent publications

Rural women promote a poultry transformation project

Agroecological initiative A few days ago, a group of rural women from the Cooperativa CANASTA (acronym for Centro Alternativo de Abastecimiento Soberano Terapéutico Agroecológico) de Responsabilidad Limitada...

A commitment to the modernization of Uruguayan Horticulture

The rural area of Canelón Chico became the scene of an important breakthrough for the Uruguayan horticultural sector. With the presence of the...

AGROTIC Project: technology and rural development in Canelones

In the fertile area of western Canelones, identified with fruit and vegetable production, a group of producers is leading the AGROTIC project, a pioneering initiative...