Presentation of the book "COPAGRAN, A history with a future".

The Board of Directors of COPAGRAN confirms the upcoming presentation of the book "COPAGRAN, Una historia con futuro", whose author is the agronomist and journalist Nicolás Lussich. The activity will take place on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, from 2 to 4 p.m., in the Conference Room of the Rural del Prado.

The launching of the publication will be attended by the agronomist Martín Aguirrezabala, former Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries; Martín Fernándezpresident of the National Institute of Cooperativism (INACOOP); and Augusto Solsona, agricultural producer and founding member of COPAGRAN.   

About the National Agrarian Cooperative (COPAGRAN)

It is a diversified cooperative company, with activities in all agricultural and livestock sectors, with grain storage plants, seed production, feed production and a network of livestock businesses.

The mission of this agro-industrial cooperative is to "improving the competitiveness and profitability of producers"..

It provides professional services, financing and inputs and is made up of 850 producers from the Uruguayan departments of Paysandú, Rio Negro, Soriano and Colony.

According to information provided by the cooperative, "COPAGRAN's turnover makes it one of the largest agroindustrial and agroexport companies in Uruguay.".

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